Friday, December 30, 2011


You know???
It's kinda DESIRE .
Think it in a proper way dude=)

Greedy Jobs. ha!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December -

Make you think bout Taylor Swift.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Like In Heaven

From .. Twilight - Breaking Dawn
                 -  Turning page

    If i had only felt the warm within your touch
  If i have only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lips when you concentrate enough 
haha my favourite lyrics in this song
but it did make me feeling like i am out of troubles. =)

The reason i love this song cause it brings me another peace..( sometimes it takes me to dream too haha ) 
But try to turn down your volume cause it may brings u another EMOTION ha !

Enjoy. =D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Long Journey

A ---- change nothing but,
A trip change everything.
It's kind of Complicated ha!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Have A Clean Day

Well i found out that my skin was terrible after back from terengganu
all black , gosh !
Nevermind , it seem to be settled. HA ! Tomato Scrub of course .
Here I will show the needed ingredients . =)

Tomatoes!!!!! of course with Fine Sugar. =)

First, slice the top off , add a tablespoon of sugar , take the top of the tomato and dip it into the sugar , then scrub on your face but not to hard cause it's surface was quite harsh ,
after scrubbing wait for 10 mins only wash it off. 
Do it weekly.
This is a inexpensive and simple scrubbing treatment for your face.

Enjoy ! =)